Digital Ad Specs

File Submission Guidelines
Please email art files to:​
Send all artwork as email attachments rather than embedded images in the body of the email.
Please do not send zip files. Our email system may strip them out as suspected malware.
File Naming: Please include your company name and ad title in the filename of your submitted artwork in the format: Advertiser-AdTitle.filetype
Example: StMaryCatholicBooks-ChristmasAd.pdf Note that generically named files (examples: NCR_4x4.pdf, NCR-Ad.pdf) may cause delays in your campaign.
Ad Styles, Sizes, and Requirements
We have a large selection of ad styles to promote your products and services in the best light. From traditional image ads and "native" photo and video styles, to eye-catching, high-engagement motion ads. Each unique ad style has its own requirements for images, text, and technical information. Also listed are the websites & ad slots for which each style is available. For the location of specific ad slots for each of our websites, please visit our Digital Advertising page and select the individual website.
Storybox Ad
​This versatile and high-performing native ad style conforms to any space or any device where it is displayed, so it has a different appearance on desktop and mobile devices. Since the content of the ad is designed to flow naturally with the surrounding article text, it requires no special graphic design, just a landscape-oriented photo. This style is most effective when the image is eye-catching, the headline and body text are compelling.
Availability: Article ad slots on all websites, Home Center Banner, and Left Sidebar & Latest ad slots on NCR.
​Headline: Maximum 50 characters, including spaces.
Body Text: Maximum 50 words
Max image file size 256k
Image: Landscape orientation, no text overlay
Company Name
Target URL
Desktop View

Mobile View

Traditional Image Ads
File types: .jpg, .gif, .png
Max image file size 256k
Animated GIFs (website only: Animated .gifs acceptable in all locations except the Top Banner of the websites, but are subject to review for appropriate animation, character and adjoining images on our website
Flash Files: We do not support Flash based advertising
Availability: All ad slots on all websites.

Size (in pixels)
Top & Bottom Banners (Desktop)
728x90, 970x90, 970x250
In-Articles & Right Sidebars
Left Sidebar (NCR)
180x150, 180x300
Video Ads
​Like the Storybox ad, this super high-performer can be displayed in most ad locations on any of our websites, and has a different view on desktop and mobile. Videos play automatically when the ad scrolls into view, and the sound is muted. Readers can hear the audio by clicking the speaker icon.
Availability: Article ad slots on all websites, Home Center Banner & Latest ad slots on NCR.
​Headline: Maximum 50 characters, including spaces.
Body Text: Maximum 50 words.
Max video file size 30MB
Video: Landscape-oriented MPEG4, MOV, AVI, or WMV, 30 seconds maximum run time.
Company Name
Target URL
Desktop View

Mobile View

Large Desktop Video Ads

​Headline: Maximum 50 characters, including spaces.
Max video file size 30MB
Video: Landscape-oriented MPEG4, MOV, AVI, or WMV, 30 seconds maximum run time.
Company Name
Target URL
This ad runs on desktop computers only.
Cube Ad
​This eye-catching ad features four images intended to showcase different products, or to tell a story.
Availability: Article ad slots on all sites.
Four static images, 300x250 each
File types: .jpg, .png (no animations)
Max image file size 256k each
Target URL (optional: 4 URL's)

Slider Ad
This super high-visibility ad is configured to slide in from the right side of the browser window after the user has scrolled down the page a short distance. The user can close the ad by clicking on the X.
Availability: All websites.
Static image, 300x250
File types: .jpg, .png (no animations)
Max file size 256k
Target URL

Expander Ad
This expandable ad can be displayed in the header or footer, and takes two different size images. When a reader scrolls their mouse over the first image, the second image appears and expands downward. When the user rolls their mouse off of the image, the ad contracts back to its original size. The expanded ad can be closed by clicking the X.
Availability: Desktop only. Header & Footer ad slots on all websites.
Static image, selected sizes
File types: .jpg, .png (no animations)
Max file size 256k
Target URL
Original Size
Expanded Size

Facebook Posts

Posts on our Facebook pages can be extremely effective for getting your message out to our audience.
Please review the information below and test your website's URL to see the results:
Instructions for creating FB Posts
Availability: NCRegister, CNA, and ChurchPOP Facebook pages.