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Print Ad Specs


File Submission Guidelines

  • Please email art files to:​

  • Send all artwork as email attachments rather than embedded images in the body of the email.

  • Please send all artwork on or before the Art Deadline listed on NCR's Editorial Calendar.  Failure to meet this deadline may result in cancellation of your ad.  Our full advertising policies may be found here.

  • Please do not send zip files. Our email system may strip them out as suspected malware.

  • File Naming: Please include your company name and ad title in the filename of your submitted artwork in the format: Advertiser-AdTitle.filetype 

    Example: StMaryCatholicBooks-ChristmasAd.pdf Note that generically named files (examples: NCR_4x4.pdf, NCR-Ad.pdf) may cause delays in your campaign.

Print Ad Specs

  • File Type: All ads should be sent in PDF/X-1a:2001 format.

  • All fonts and images must be embedded.

  • Minimum size for sans-serif fonts (Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, Calibri, etc.) is 8pt.

  • Minimum size for serif fonts (Times New Roman, Garamond, Century, Bookman, etc.) is 9pt.

  • Flatten Transparent Objects: Flattening your ad is a very important as the appearance of an object can change when it is flattened. For example, multi layered transparent objects can flatten into muddy or less contrasting colors.

  • Resolution: All images in the file should be 300dpi for newsprint. Images from the web are usually 72dpi, and are not acceptable for print ads.

  • If borders, boxes, or lines are needed around your ad, you must include them in the artwork within the confines of the ad size (inside border). Artwork will be printed exactly as received.

  • Please do not include crop marks, bleed marks or registration marks.

Color Print Ads:

  • CMYK color: Convert all Spot colors, RGB and LAB objects to CMYK.

  • All black text should be 100% Black and not a 4 color (process) black.

B&W Print Ads

  • B&W - Convert all Spot colors, RGB, CMYK and LAB objects to Grayscale.

Print Ad Sizes (in inches)

By Modular Ad Name

Modular Ad Name
Actual Size

Full Page

12.75" x 21"

Half Page Vertical

6.15" x 21"

Half Page Horizontal

12.75" x 10.5"

Quarter Page Vertical

6.15" x 10.5"

Quarter Page Horizontal

12.75" x 5.25"

Eighth Page

6.15" x 5.25"


4.00" x 4.00"

By Column-Inch














Advertiser-Supplied Printed Inserts

Please make sure all printed inserts are delivered to our printer's loading dock on or before the Insert Deadline listed on NCR's Editorial Calendar.  Failure to meet this deadline may result in your insert being excluded from the selected issue.  Our full advertising policies may be found here.

  • Your ad sales rep will confirm with you the quantity of inserts to ship.

  • Ship inserts to:
    House of Print
    Attn: Brenda Ahern
    322 Benzel Avenue SW
    Madelia, MN 56062


  • Should be on a 42x48 pallet.

  • No higher than 48”

  • Must be skid packed, banded, and wrapped

  • No USPS or other crating

  • Envelopes (if any) must be sealed so none stick together

  • Damaged or unsealed pieces will be discarded

  • Labeling must identify “National Catholic Register,” Issue Date, and quantity on pallet

  • Shipments out of specification may be refused or returned to shipper at shipper’s expense

Insert Specs
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